Dear Fellow Veterans of the 8th Battalion 4th Field Artillery:
In September of 2000, the "8th Battalion 4th Field Artillery Association" was officially created. For those who have not joined, we urge you to become a part of this group, and to share in the excitement with old friends and acquaintances of the battalion. For existing members of the Association, we hope that you will continue your support by keeping your membership dues current. Each member of the Association receives a Certificate of Membership which has been designed in "living color" by 8/4th's own Fred B. James, practicing architect. The certificate and other information about the Association can be viewed at
Dues received by the Association have been used to assist in covering the expense of battalion reunions, the maintenance and upkeep of the battalion web sites, preparation of membership certificates, and honoring deceased members of the battalion.
At, you will find the links to the battalion web sites, including 8-4 arty Group where veterans of the battalion post messages. You will find lists for battalion veterans who have been located, who we are still searching for, those killed in Vietnam, those who died after Vietnam, complete operational reports, links to stories written by members of the battalion, and a host of other information.
Return the below completed form to J. W. (Bill) Prichard, Jr., 501 West Bay Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202, and include a check for $15 made payable to the "8th Battalion 4th Field Artillery Association" to cover annual dues. Renewals may be made by sending only your check for $15. | | | | |