
Harold Alexander

Harold Alexander served in Vietnam in 1967 with C Battery, 8th Battalion 4th Artillery. He died on December 6, 2004. Not many years following his service in Vietnam, he began to experience numbness in his limbs which later was diagnosed as multiple sclerosis. Harold spent the last several years of life as a quadraplegic. Harold did not let this handicap destroy his life. Instead he learned to use the computer using a voice activated software. With his computer Harold showed us the highest levels of wisdom, patriotism, and religious faith. This poem by Larry Martin describes the Harold Alexander that we came to know.

Harold Alexander
by Larry L. Martin

The first time we met Harold, he explained to me
"This computer, it is my life now, don't you see
I can see mountains, the dessert, and a cold stream
I can go places that for most is only a dream."

While some of us complained of politicians and leaders
Accusing them of desertion cowardice and treason
Harold brought us back to earth
With his sensitivity and reason

Harold would have enjoyed the reunions I'm sure,
Laughing and talking about the past, so pure...
But Harold was at peace with himself and with God
You could see it in his eyes and in his quite nod.

A man of dignity, his lot in life not swell,
But accepted, just the same, knowing it was His will
I will miss you my friend, as I'm sure will others
Until we meet again as forever brothers.