All the other medics were out at Khe Sanh, Gio Linh, or Lao Bao, except for Yacovelli and me. We each were working twelve-hour shifts at Dong Ha.
About mid afternoon a helicopter landed. I was sitting outside the door of the aide bunker when a LTC. (not ours) dismounted along with a very attractive Vietnamese girl. He had a bandage on his left arm, whereupon the following dialogue transpired:
"Afternoon Sir," and "ma'am".
"Doc, I cut my arm on some concertina wire at the RVN camp. I want to get it cleaned up and get a tetanus shot and a penicillin shot."
"Yessir, very wise sir. And, was the lady cut as well?"
"Ahem, yes, well, good thinking Doc. Get her a shot too."
We administered to all, regardless of rank, race, or motive.
NOTE: Ted Lundrigan was a medic for the 8th Bn 4th Arty in 1970-1971. He now practices law in Minnesota. | | | | | | | |