War Time Medical Care
For All Ranks and Occasions
By Ted Nelson Lundrigan

All the other medics were out at Khe Sanh, Gio Linh, or Lao Bao, except for Yacovelli and me. We each were working twelve-hour shifts at Dong Ha.

About mid afternoon a helicopter landed. I was sitting outside the door of the aide bunker when a LTC. (not ours) dismounted along with a very attractive Vietnamese girl. He had a bandage on his left arm, whereupon the following dialogue transpired:

"Afternoon Sir," and "ma'am".

"Doc, I cut my arm on some concertina wire at the RVN camp. I want to get it cleaned up and get a tetanus shot and a penicillin shot."

"Yessir, very wise sir. And, was the lady cut as well?"

"Ahem, yes, well, good thinking Doc. Get her a shot too."

We administered to all, regardless of rank, race, or motive.

NOTE: Ted Lundrigan was a medic for the 8th Bn 4th Arty in 1970-1971. He now practices law in Minnesota.